Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Waste Away

The LORD has been impressing upon me lately about waste...of time, resources, energy, food, money, love, etc. Remember the feeding of the 5000+ in John 6...after everyone was full, this is what Jesus had to say...

When they had all had enough, He said to His disciples, "Gather up now the fragments (the broken pieces that are left over), so that nothing may be lost or wasted." John 6:12 (AMP)

Well, I've heard a few sermons on this - there were 12 small baskets of leftovers, maybe one for each disciple - talk about your "hands on" lesson that the LORD is truly sufficient.

But what Jesus said about nothing being lost or wasted has prompted me to take an account of how much I waste each day...

  • time, like continuing to lie in the bed when I am really awake or staying on the Internet too long or watching lots of cooking shows when I don't really cook that much...

  • resources, like letting the water run while I brush my teeth

  • food, like by simply eating more than I need (Ouch, Lord!) or letting food spoil in the frig instead of making a diligent effort to use it

  • money, like eating out too much or not making my trips to town be efficient

  • energy, um maybe I don't waste energy since I don't exert much :(

  • love b/c I don't remember that people are more important than things

You get the idea. Now, I don't want to become obsessed with not wasting but I do want to get the message. Maybe we in America have simply wasted too much for too long. Maybe we need to take an account of how much we can save instead of "wasting away."

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