Well, I'm guessing you could probably figure out my age by the title of the post today; you have to be a certain age to remember this phrase. It was originally in a 1980's commercial for Life Call, a company that marketed small touch devices that would "call" emergency services for you. Although as a maturer adult, it doesn't seem quite so funny (guess I'm thinking, "That could happen to me!") I remember laughing so hard when I was younger. Not really at the lady who fell but at all the parodies that came out; I even think there was a Saturday Night Live episode about it.
All this talk of falling brings to mind a scripture...
"for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity." Proverbs 24:16

My last post was about a dark time in my life. I wrote it about a month ago and I am doing better. I don't think I am completely in the light yet, but the dark days are definitely fewer.
I find comfort in the words of Proverbs 24. It assures me that righteous people do fall. For whatever reason: sin, sickness, depression, heartache, weariness, family trauma, financial strain, etc. I guess it really shouldn't surprise us that there will be dark days. The most comfort for me comes from the getting up part. Yes, we will fall, but we will rise again. The LORD will sustain us, walk through the rough times with us (Isaiah 43), guide us and comfort us. I am so thankful He walks through with us, does not desert us in our dark times.
The end of the verse says that the wicked are brought down by calamity. I can certainly believe this because I don't know what I would have done during the dark times without the LORD. Yes, there were people who cared and reached out to me, but in the darkest night, there were just the LORD and me and that was enough. I guess the one thing I have learned over and over is that people can help but ultimately it has to be just the LORD and you, that has to be enough. God is gracious enough to provide family and friends to help, but HE is the source of all our needs and HE has so proven Himself to be true to me.
During the dark times, that is tough to remember but at the end of the day, it is the truth I need.
I will fall, I will get up and the LORD Himself will sustain me. Enough. And as Kim Darby said in True Grit, "And enough is a feast."
Thank you, LORD, that You are always enough, enough to sustain me, provide for me, comfort me, love me... enough for whatever is my need. I am glad that I will get up because of Your steadfast love. Thank You that you did not design me to stay down but at times allow darkness because I need to reach out for You, only You. You are amazing, Faithful and True.
1 comment:
As always I enjoy your blogs (?) if that is what it is. I am still very computer illeriate (?). You are always such a blessing and when I read some of the scriptures, I ask my self, I have read them before and I get new meanings from them. God Bless you and love you Barbara
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